To tell you honestly, the only way your brother will ever find out about John1;1 is to get the KIT (the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek) the society's pub. Then get another Greek Interlinear from a Christian bookstore, get himself 2 or 3 different bibles, a bible dictionery, sit down with all that and pray for God's Spirit to show him.
Believe me when I was confused with the topic of the Godhead / Trinity, I went to the one pastor or elder in this church, he said to me that he could not tell me (not because he did not want to speak to a exjw, or because he did not know) because YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR OWN REVELATION FROM GOD.
And if he really wants to know, it will be shown to him.
The Society have liad to him and me for years and years. They have changed the bible and put in words and taken out. I am not just saying this, I have had to go and look all this up. I have been on to web pages, freeminds, etc etc.
God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit are one, that was and still is new to me, but it was revealed to me from God himself, and that is what your brother has to do, it must be reveled to him by God.
Can check
Lots of subjects, but very SIMPLE, excellent read.
Godhead, Jesus if he should be worshiped, The Holy spirit etc etc
All the best